Tuesday, April 4, 2023

This is for April 3,2023 Tarot card ♦️ Reading done by myself #0382 The Naomi Lynn Simon and more Worldwide and live!

What is the original meaning of Easter in the Bible?
the resurrection of Jesus
Given the symbolism of new life and rebirth, it was only natural to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus at this time of the year. The naming of the celebration as "Easter" seems to go back to the name of a pre-Christian goddess in England, Eostre, who was celebrated at beginning of spring. ( This is a True story told by myself #0382 The Naomi Lynn Simon and more Worldwide and live on Easter Sunday my son Erik Matt Mattias Simon Larson Jr aka Tiger 🐅🐯 Tails was brutally killed and Torcherd in Glasgow West Virginia in 2018 and so was my daughter in law beth and my grandkids by the Fake kkk members and The cults of the USA and all our Accusers USA wide for no reason at all. They were brutally taken from there home 🏡🏠 while They were sleeping and taken to tazwell, Virginia to a by duct river were these stupid mother f***ers take there victims to kill them for there kkk meets!  I Naomi Lynn Simon being a full blooded native American Indian and Spiritual walker and Voodoo lil mama heard my son and grandkids crying so my son Shawmin went to there Rescue to save them and kill some of the people involved that hurt them for no reason at all!  These people stoled all there Holiday stuff even what I sent them from Milwaukee Oregon/ Portland Oregon for no reason at all! I used the Book of Ancient Ejuption To Bring my son and grandkids and my daughter in law back to life and I set yet again another Score upon all these people past, present and Future so they will never have anything, never be anything, and will Parrish because of their negligence no matter what! I also verified this on November 9th 2019 in state of California when I testified against all the cults and fake KKK and the City, state, county, federal,IBA, substations, officials and all there friends and families and the cults past present and Future! And I also verified at NASA in Florida through the global satellite 📡🛰️ imagery from all angels so I don't miss a person to take the Trash out!  Signed, #0382 The Naomi Lynn Simon and more Worldwide and live! 

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