Tuesday, April 11, 2023

April 11,2023 ( I'm sending all my Medical records and Surgeries and x-rays and CT scans and MRIs and everything and all to this address as well through all the Hospitals I've ever been to and clinic's in my life and I had all my Mail πŸ“¬πŸ’Œ sent there from all addresses I ever had in my life due to mail πŸ“¬πŸ’Œ fraud, this is a true story about a portion of my life in photic USA wide! ( This is one of the addresses to the United Nations embassys over seas in picture!) ( if anyone wants to send me any thing send it to the United Nations embassys over seas or Christmas 🎁⛄ island with address on the right side of all my Google bloggers worldwide and live!

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