THIS Mabon represents the balance between light and dark, and the give-and-take of life. The autumnal equinox itself represents the balance of day and night ! Balance ~♡
Mabon represents the balance between light and dark, and the give-and-take of life. The autumnal equinox itself represents the balance of day and night ~ ♡ ,Gratitude ~♡
Mabon is a time to give thanks for the earth's bounty, especially the harvest of fruit. ~♡Transition ~♡
Mabon marks the shift from summer to autumn, and is a time to acknowledge the dualities in life and find harmony within them. ~♡ Preparation ~♡
Mabon is a time to prepare for the coming winter, and to share the earth's fruits. ~♡ Reflection ~♡
Mabon is a time to rest after the summer and harvest, and to reflect on the year so far. ~♡ Mabon is celebrated on September 22/23 in the northern hemisphere. The name Mabon comes from the Welsh God, Mabon ap Modron, the son of the Earth Mother Goddess. ~♡ Also known as Mabon, Fall Equinox is a special time in the year where we meet balance once again. Mabon marks the official time where summer ends and fall begins. Sometimes known as the witches thanksgiving, it is celebrated with bounty from the harvests . ~♡
The Colors, Crystals, Scents, Herbs, Plants, Flowers, and Symbols of Mabon